Mike Longo Trio Releases New Album [C&P Records]

Now You Can Get The Kind of Exciting Jazz CD That Attracted You To This Music In The First Place!

New York, NY – November 1st, 2011 – If You Are An Avid Jazz Fan, We Have Some Exciting News For You!
If you like music that swings, you’ve come to the right place! There is no better time you can have listening to jazz than what you will find on this faboulous new CD by the Mike Longo Trio + 2. It is called «To My Surprise» and it features 5 of the industries leading jazz masters. Along with Mike Longo on piano you will hear Bob Cranshaw on bass, Lewis Nash on drums, Jimmy Owens on trumpet and flugalhorn and Lance Bryant on Tenor Saxophone. It doesn’t get any better than that folks! You will hear superb new performances of tight arrangements featuring 6 tracks with the trio and 6 tracks with the quintet.

Track listing:
1) A picture of Dorian Mode (Quintet)
2) Still Water (Quintet)
3) New Muse Blues (Quintet)
4) Limbo (Trio)
5) Alone Again (Quintet)
6) I Hadn’t Anyone ‘Till You (Trio)
7) Old Devil Moon (Trio)
8) Magic Bluze (Quintet)
9) To My Surprise (Quintet)
10) You’ve Changed (Trio)
11) Eye Of The Hurricane (Trio)
12) In The Wee Small Hours (Trio)

Although this fantastic product is currently selling on the retail level at $14.97 We are offering it to our custormers at the discounted price of $11.97 if you order promptly. It will remain at this price for a limeted time only so order now and save a full $3.00 by doing so!
About Our Company

The CAP Record Lable is unique in the fact that there is no other company like it. All CDs on our label are owned and produced by the artists themselves. When you purchase a CD from us, the majority of the profit from your purchase goes directly to the artists on the recording. This has produced a unique quality in the music you hear. Older jazz fans recall great performances from the past such as the Oscar Peterson Trio’s recording of «Tenderly», The Count Basie classics like «One O’Clock Jump» or «April in Paris», the gritty and funky Cannonball Adderly group, the ever swingin Wes Montgomery…they all had that certain groove and swing that let you know they loved you when you listened to them. When you listen to this fantastic new CD by Mike Longo it will make you feel like they made this record just for YOU! CAP Records is headquartered in New York, NY, The company is committed to the interests of you, the audience, with products available through major retailers in North America, Australia, Europe, the United Kingdom and Japan, as well as on the Internet.


For additional information please visit our website at www.jazzbeat.com.
What the critics are saying:
At the present time this CDs debut on the national airplay charts was at #52 during the 1st week of its release. The second week it rose to #34 and is presently #27 during its 3rd week. Read the following reviews to see how the press is reacting:

OCTOBER 2011 OVERALL RATING 5 STARS VALUE FOR THE MONEY 5 STARS NEW MIKE LONGO JAZZ CD IS A SPECIAL OCCASION It is a special occasion when a new Mike Longo album comes out because we get to hear fresh, innovative jazz exploration at its finest — all-acoustic music recorded live in the studio with top players and great interaction between the musicians. Plus, on this one, half the tunes feature his piano trio and the other half have two great horn-players added. It does not get any better than this. All five players are top-notch, first-rate jazzsters. Jazz lovers should take a listen to the new Longo CD, TO MY SURPRISE, to hear some of the best straight-ahead jazz around. Here is a listening hint. This jazz master likes to explore the subtleties of the internal rhythms possible in jazz. The first tracks that will jump out are the two uptempo hold-onto-your-hat numbers — the Longo-composed “A Picture of Dorian Mode” and Herbie Hancock’s “Eye of the Hurricane.” But live with the music a bit and some of the slower tunes rise to the surface. Dive deep into this music and you will hear subtle surprises as the music unfolds (hint #2: Longo named the album TO MY SURPRISE because he says that even he was surprised at times where the music went while they were recording).

World’s #1 Music Forum! OCTOBER 2011 OSCAR PETERSON’S STUDENT AND DIZZY GILLESPIE’S PIANIST HAS NEW CD If you get a chance, take a listen to the great new Mike Longo jazz CD, TO MY SURPRISE (info at jazzbeat.com). Half the disc he plays with his trio and the other half with a quintet (two horns added). Jazz buffs will recognize the players from countless liner credits — trumpeter Jimmy Owens, bassist Bob Cranshaw, saxophonist Lance Bryant and ubiquitous drummer Lewis Nash. Longo studied early on with Oscar Peterson, and then played regularly with Dizzy Gillespie for a quarter of a century. But Longo has gone on to become a respected solo artist in his own right (his last album, STING LIKE A BEE, went to #3 on the premier JAZZ WEEK chart). This is an album of deep jazz exploration with tight interactivity between the musicians. It is an exquisite CD for anyone who loves to hear great charts interspersed with very tasty soloing. A few highlights stand out like the funky “New Muse Blues” with a catchy, quirky melody as well as a Longo piano solo that is all over the place, like he is teasing us. Also, I cannot believe that his acoustic trio ties into Herbie Hancock’s electric-large-band “Eye of the Hurricane” and completely pulls it off. I also enjoyed Longo’s solo on “Still Water” and the horn solos on “To My Surprise.” Listening to online excerpts of this music will not do it justice, so perhaps you should take a flyer, invest a dollar on a download, pick any track at random, live with it in your computer or ipod for a week, and see if it inspires you to go ahead and buy the whole durn thing…Review Center

OCTOBER 2011 To My Surprise Mike Longo Trio + 2 To be released October 24, 2011 on CAP Records. A review written for the Folk & Acoustic Music Exchange by Mark S. Tucker
That name should ring more than a few bells and provoke an instant recognition of the prospect of top-flite jazz, ‘cause Mike Longo’s been at the game for a long time, starting out as Diz’s pianist in ’66 after being discovered as a teenager by Cannonball Adderly and later studying with Oscar Peterson in what was one of the the most grueling and rewarding periods of his life. That apprenticeship shows everywhere in this latest disc, To My Surprise, a CD loaded up with nothing but first-rung talent: Bob Cranshaw on bass, Lewis Nash on drums, Jimmy Owens on trumpet and flugelhorn, and Lance Bryant on tenor sax. That’s it. No guest sit-ins other than that ‘+2′. No sweetening. Just a quinteted-up trio playing its extremely sophisticated brains out. What you get is straight-up classic jazz. Not acid jazz. Not jazz lite. Certainly not a drop of The Wave’s gooey saccharine breathily cloying sentimentality. Just good honest killer jazz, and God knows there’s never enough of that. Owens and Bryant make a great horn section, bringing to the table a full slate of improv chops well based in the melody while sliding witty little embellishments all over the place, the kinda stuff that makes a grooved-out listener grin and softly exclaim «Yeahhhhhhhhh!!» And when they get through, Longo jumps right in, and I’m not sure I can properly categorize his style. You can definitely hear the Oscar in there as well as a quite decent amount of Herbie, but there are also touches of Evans and the swing of Guaraldi. Bob Cranshaw’s bass is the most rock steady of the group, buoying the gents with ample space and rhythm for their work while Nash is icy cool with his kit, complicated and engrossing without sacrificing duties to Cransahw in co-nailing the rhythm section down. And speaking of Herbie, these guys really do frantic justice to his Eye of the Hurricane, an unusually timed ditty of ever-changing shapes and outlines, twisting narrative and skewed linearity, Longo’s left hand almost coming from another body, chordally jumping all around the right’s dancing figurations. Appropriate, then, that the CD should close out with a bit of a tipsy take on In the Wee Small Hours as the bar closes down, we stagger to the door, and take a nice deep breath of the evening air, dreamily smiling at the good fortune of such a spate of excellent tunes. And, heh-heh-heh!…A Picture of Dorian Mode. Chuckle! Good one, Mike, good one. Took me a minute to get it properly. Gettin’ a little wild on Wilde and musical modalities. Nice! Track List: A Picture of Dorian Mode (Mike Longo) Still Water (Mike Longo) New Muse Blues (Mike Longo) Limbo (Wayne Shorter) Alone Again (Mike Longo) I Hadn’t Anyone ‘Til You (Ray Noble) Old Devil Moon (Lane / Harburg) Magic Bluze (Jimmy Owens) To My Surprise (Mike Longo) You’ve Changed (Carey / Fischer) Eye of the Hurricane (Herbie Hancock) In the Wee Small Hours (Mann / Hilliard)

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