U.N. Projects 2030 As Year Globalism Comes to Fruition

Absolute Truth from the Word of God

I have been writing about the United Nations and George Soros,  and their diabolical plan for a One World Government for many years. I want the reader to understand that the One Word Government (OWG) IS the end game for the globalists.

Sustainable Development Goals

In September of 2015, a special meeting of the U.N. was held. They rolled out their Sustainable Development Goals.  Among these goals was forced migration.  We can see the devastating effects this forced and well-planned out migration of Muslims, mainly to European countries has caused.

The U.N. knows that Muslims never assimilate into the society where they migrate.  They create parallel societies, all the time scheming to implement political jihad. The name of the game is to do anything and everything to nations to destabilize them. This will make it easier for «open borders» to exist.

Think:  London.

THIS is why globalists detest Patriotism, and…

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