Viktor Orban of Hungary: A Courageous Leader Who Cares Deeply For Hungary and Its People

Absolute Truth from the Word of God

I originally wrote this article  a few years ago. I had watched PM Viktor Orban of Hungary speak of things which were dear to my heart, and to the hearts of  Conservative and Patriotic Americans across our nation.

PM Orban is a hero to those in Europe who see their own countries being invaded by people who have no desire to assimilate.  This forced migration is part of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Sounds great, doesn’t it?

It’s NOT.

Forced migration has goals, but Sustainable Development has nothing to do with these goals. The U.N. seeks a world without borders, where Patriotism is called Nationalism, which the Leftwing media equate with Nazi Germany and Hitler.

The unspoken truth that we must understand is that all of this points to a One World Government – that is the goal.  And it has been said many times that…

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